February 3, 2021

5 Step Checklist for Consultants in Aligning Elevator Cab Refinishing Within Client Budgets

Building maintenance teams and facility managers have a lot on their plates, especially when updating and renovating elevator interiors and maintaining aesthetics. A quick and easy way to improve the aesthetic appeal and facilities’ overall usability is a thorough elevator cab refinishing and repair and custom fabrications. And building consultants should follow these five steps to ensure the refinishing project aligns with the client budget. 

1. Assess the Current Status of Elevator Condition

The most common and most pressing reason for elevator cab refinishing even to be considered is that the current elevators need an upgrade or some repair work. It is essential to carefully consider the elevators’ status to determine just how much work is required. Ensuring frivolous upgrades are avoided is the single best way to save the client’s budget and ensure all goals and expectations are met during any elevator cab project.

2. Discuss Refinishing Options to Achieve a Better Look

Once it has been determined to what extent elevator cab refinishing is needed, the next step is to look at the building design and décor, current tenant expectations, and recent renovation work.  Carefully timed and properly implement upgrades can help achieve a better overall look. As reported by Habitat Magazine, “Another common time to redo an elevator is when a building remodels its lobby and hallways. After a lobby has been renovated at great expense, those forsaken elevators look that much worse, drawing attention straight from the brand-new leather sofas to the tired cab interiors.” That is an essential part of remodeling and cab refinishing that often gets overlooked.

3. Emphasize the Value of Elevator Cab Refinishing Versus Complete Renovation

While cab refinishing is often a quick and easy option for improvements and upgrades, it can still get quite pricy if care is not taken. Focusing on smaller elevator cab refinishing projects rather than doing full cab replacements and upgrades can go a long way in improving overall functionally and aesthetics without breaking the client’s budget along the way.

4. Break Apart Refinishing Projects by Panel to Reduce Budgeting Problems

A useful refinishing project can also focus on specific panels and be gradual. It eliminates the need to complete refinish each panel at a single time, which saves money. Of course, there are plenty of other ways to incorporate a lower refinishing project into the budget. 

For example and according to Buildings.com“Fortunately, many elevator service companies offer maintenance plans that can fit into a variety of budgets. Verify that the service company is familiar with the specific type of elevators on the premises and has technicians and a local parts inventory close by for quick service when needed.” The best way to achieve this considering elevator cab refinishing work is to give clients an itemized list of what renovations will cost. This allows them to choose what they do and do not want to invest in at that point and time.

5. Review Available Financing Options and ROI Generated by Refinishing in Terms of Renewed Leases, Improved Occupant Experiences, and More

A final step is to think outside the box with how refinishing will affect total brand value. For instance, if a new tenant signs a lease, it could pay for a single refinishing project in less than one year.

Work With an Expert to Keep the Budget Under Control

The best-laid checklists will always fall short when managing a project with limited experience and expertise. Instead, building consultants should follow the steps above and work with an expert, like JOBS-AMST. To learn more about how elevator cab refinishing is a safe and affordable option, request a consultation with JOBS-AMST today.